Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

  1. I am taking a cleaning break and decided to blog a bit while Ashley watches a movie.
  2. I really just want to close my eyes and take a nap, it must be this dreary weather.
  3. I saw that there is more rain on the way tomorrow night into Thursday..if anyone is wondering.
  4. It figures, the day that my family comes to sunny San Diego, it rains!
  5. I learned an interesting fact about myself this morning while I was walking around the neighborhood. I like to see what people have hanging out of their recycling bins. I think it is fun to see what bulk snacks I am missing out on from Costco. Lots of my neighbors like the Costco pizza and drink the Kirkland water....
  6. ....which I recently learned is filtered drinking water NOT spring water.
  7. Hey, the sun is coming out!!
  8. My goal this year has been to cook more. So far so good. We still eat out about once or twice a week.
  9. Tonight I am planning on making meatloaf. I love it, but I can't remember if my kiddos do. We will find out.
  10. GOD IS GOOD! ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD! Random thought I know but so true. Have a blessed day

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