Friday, April 18, 2008

Mom is so proud

After many attemps, Ashley has conquered the monkey bars...I am so proud!!
Emilee won 3rd place in the MCS art show....i am so proud of her!!

I had a 80's bunco night and dressed so unlike the way I did in middle and high school. My mom will be so proud!!


Susie said...

Look at that, like, hoTTie!

You crack me up- I just love hangin' with you :)

Sarah said...

Congrats to your girls! The picture that Emilee made looke great!
But lets talk about YOU! THAT outfit is just the best. You rocked it and should have won a prize or something!
Love it!
Have a good weekend.

Peris said...

where did you get those clothes???Have they been in your closet???