Monday, April 14, 2008

7 random things about me

Thanks Susie i just love being "tagged"!!!
OK let me see if I can think of 7 things.
  1. I was born in the same hospital as my hubby, Chris, 7 days after him.
  2. I have a really hard time finding jeans that fit me.
  3. After lunch and dinner i have to eat something sweet.
  4. One of my teeth has a twin tooth growing on it...i forget what the correct name for it is. The dentist is always thrilled when he sees it.
  5. Speaking of the dentist...growing up I went to one that did not use Novocaine. All of my fillings were done without! and I have many of them. I did not even know that there was such a thing.
  6. I am afraid of the ocean and only like to go in up to my knees. I have seen too many JAWS movies.
  7. Before my parents named me Rebecca, I was almost a Rachael. Thanks mom


Peris said...

weird tooth thing...interesting things that we learn...

Susie said...

I had no idea. Your the toothful wonder!

Susie said...

that should be "you're"-- sorry, lost my head!