Friday, April 25, 2008

Five on Friday

  1. Ashley was accepted to Kindergarten!!! Hooray!!
  2. As I write this I am watching one of my new Favorite shows...What Not to Wear. I love the show but it makes me want a whole new wardrobe. that is so not gonna happen.
  3. WOW, was it hot today!! and a hot weekend is on its way. Stay cool all you who live in So Cal.
  4. Trying to plan the summer activities without spending tons of $$$$. It is not an easy task.
  5. Update on the teeth and the food trap--Gone!!! Thanks Dr. B, now can he fix the one on the top as well? did I mention how much i love my dentist? he even called me the night of my appointment to make sure all was well and that i was comfortable. Now that is costumer service.


Sarah said...

I like your Five on Friday!
Btw: Thanks for a great afternoon. We loved having you all over! ;-)
Have a good weekend.

Peris said...

Yay for Ashley...wait yay for you!