Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Friday Five
- I have my first interview in 10 years next week!!! Yikes, what do i wear?
- It costs us $2o more than a few months ago to fill up the gas tank.
- The girls are having a fun summer so far. We are just trying to find a nice balance between keeping busy but still relaxing and taking it easy.
- I know one thing , i am really enjoying being able to stay in PJ's longer and not having to rush out the door.
- There are only about 12 days left until our trip to visit NANA...the girls can't get any more excited. Me, i am not looking forward to the 5 or 6 hour flight with 2 bickering girls. I am looking forward to the love that greets us when we land. I get to also meet my brand new nephew and hang out with my lifelong friend, Samantha. See you soon Pa family!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hot enough for you?
This weekend has been a scorcher. The past few days I have felt as if I were back in PA battling the heat and humidity. Although usually with this heat in PA there would be a thunderstorm and some rain to cool it off. Oh how I am looking forward to the hot July days I will spend visiting family and friends. I hope my mom got the air conditioner fixed.

This is how the girls cooled off today. The picture on the box made this pool and slide look much bigger but they still had fun. Me on the other hand I was melting in the shade. We cooled off at Souplantaion for dinner. The girls always eat so well there. I did great, I only had a salad and veggie soup with one garlic bread. oops I forgot the cherry cobbler and vanilla ice cream could not be ignored. Yummy!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Ten on Tuesday
- Only one more morning of getting up early and rushing out of the house.
- The girls start swim lessons today and that marks the 1st day of summer for us.
- I spent way too much at Costco today. It has been awhile since I did that. I only bought food items and laundry detergent and oh yeah toilet paper. So I guess that is OK then, right?
- It seems like we go through so much toilet paper in this house. I have never used the Costco brand before...any comments on the quality before we begin using it?
- I have so many things in my head about what I need to do and want to do this summer. One on the need to do is find a job for the fall. I guess filling out one application is not enough effort into the job hunt.
- I am so not ready for swim suit season. I guess I have no choice it is here, isn't it?
- After eating out all weekend I told Chris that I would cook in all week and I will do it, even lunch. I should use some of the yummy recipes my blog friends have been making but it requires me going to the store yet again. I should really just use up what is in my kitchen first.
- Our favorite dessert has been dollar scoop night at Baskin Robins each week. I wish that I could just limit myself to that and be happy.
- Speaking of sweets, yesterday I had the summer Starbucks drink...Mint Chocolate Frap..YUMMMMY, light of course!!
- Drum roll please....................After weeks of wiggling and jiggling and tongue twirling.........Emilee lost her first tooth!!! She was so afraid that it would hurt and bleed. We prayed last night for bravery and a painless fallout and God answered those prayers at 7 this morning!! Here she is with her new smile.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Our Getway
We finally had a chance to get away and breathe without the stress of daily life. It was so relaxing and wonderful to just do nothing or whatever we wanted at the time. We did not have to entertain the girls ( thanks Eleanor) we just took it easy and spent time together. The resort was nice and the room was beautiful. We had a view of the bay and sailboats went by all day. I even slept in Saturday until 8...that is late for me! We walked on the beach at sunset and ate very yummy food at grown up restaurants. It was hard to come home...but to tell you a secret..i missed the girls. Here are a few of the highlights.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Ten on Tuesday
- My first job application in over 10 years is now complete, Yikes was that hard!
- Can you believe that school is almost over for this year? It feels like just yesterday I sent the girls off on their first day.
- I will be glad to have a break from packing lunches that only get half eaten.
- With a half eaten lunch I wonder why Emilee comes home so grumpy?
- Three days until our weekend getaway.
- My Mother in law asked if we had plans while we are plans are to sleep in, doze on the beach, read, eat and relax!!
- There is nothing on TV these days except for So you think you can dance dance dance I do not think that I can dance but I enjoy watching others who can and laughing at those who think they can.
- Am I the only one out there who feels like all I do lately is buy groceries and pump gas?
- Bunco this week.........I am feeling lucky, I have not won in awhile.
- It think the basketball game is now over and I can go join my hubby on the couch for some channel surfing.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
They did it!!
Well it is over the girls had there first dance recital and they did great. Mommy on the other hand was a mess. I had a hard time with the makeup ( Emilee was praying for me while I am trying to do her eyes). I had butterflies in my tummy until each of their dances were over. I am ordering the DVD so the girls and Nana can see the whole show. It was so special for them to perform on the stage at Balboa Park. They have been there many times to watch plays and dance recitals and now it was them up there with the bright lights. Will we do it again? The jury is still out on that one. Here are a few photos from today. They did not allow flash photography so sorry no photos of the show.
I had to hot glue bows onto the tap shoes to match the costumes.

Hugs with me after it was all over. Daddy gave them each a rose.

Monday, June 2, 2008
Enjoying some daddy time in the park
Catch me if you can

Emilee is determined to ride her bike with confidence ever since she has learned that 2 five years olds are riding strong!! Good motivation. Nothing else has worked.

One last smile for the camera
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