Thursday, February 7, 2008

Where is the Weekend?

I have had a long week and looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Emilee is on her second dose of antibotics this winter. This time for an ear infection that keep her home from school a few days this week. I am just ready to sit and blog or even sleep in alittle on Saturday morning. I have plans for Chris, HaHa, he just doesn't know it yet. Remember all the trees and bushes that he cut down from our slope last weekend? Well, they are still in the back yard ready to be tackled and thrown out. If you remember it rained last Sunday and he couldn't finish the job. As for me I will be taking the girls to tap class and then making cards with Susie and friends in the pm. What are your plans?


Susie said...

Hey- I'll be making cards, too! I can't wait to see you, Becky :)

Peris said...

I will be flying kites with the fam down at the bay....if its as nice as it is today...