Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Ashley is still feverish but feeling better today. Dr. appointment tomorrow if she still has a fever.
  2. I feel like I should have my own parking space at Scripps clinic RB because I have been there so much this year and it is only February.
  3. The sun is shinning again here in San Diego but I am stuck inside with a sick kid..oh well!!
  4. Today is my brother and sister in laws anniversary. I missed an opportunity to send a card.
  5. I am trying to save money at Vons by using coupons but I can't justify buying something I don't use just because I have a coupon.
  6. Daylight saving is arriving soon. does that mean our kiddos will be up earlier or sleeping in??
  7. It is afternoon and I am not sure what I am serving for dinner this evening.
  8. oh now wait one minute, i forgot that I was planning on turkey burgers and baked french fries. Whew!!
  9. American idol tonight ...my favorite guy is Michael Johns
  10. I am out of thoughts for today


Peris said...

I like Michael Johns too! Yay!

Susie said...

I *heart* Michael Johns- and I am not even an AI fan. Andy sucked me into it!

Come oustide and play today- it's gorgeous!!