Monday, September 24, 2007

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Are you ready for some football? The San Diego Chargers may not be at their best these last few weeks but the Dallas Cowboys are 3 -0 !!!
  2. Carpooling Rocks
  3. Will the oven be fixed tomorrow? Can I finally after a long wait bake some blueberry muffins and lasagna roll ups?
  4. What did I do before we had Tivo? The girls have plenty of shows to watch after school and on the weekends when we need just to be still and veg.
  5. With 2 girls in school our calendar is filling up quickly and it is not even the holiday season yet.
  6. This same time last year we moved. This next house will be the 6Th house in 11 years of marriage. No, we are not even in the military. I think our new home is keeper .
  7. I should be a pro at packing since we move so about a pro at collecting boxes and letting them just sit around and be part of the decor.
  8. Ashley is waking up from a nap and needing a snack.
  9. Emilee will be dropped off in a few minutes and the sibling rivalry begins!!
  10. I need a Starbucks!!!


Peris said...

I need a Starbucks....whats sad is when rory says mom I need a starbicks yikes what have I done...

Sarah said...

I love Tivo too! We just got it, and now I don't have to stay up late to watch my shows, I stay up late to blog!!! :)