Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sneak Peek

This afternoon we had a trial run with makeup and tap costumes..Yikes, was it hard putting eyeliner on the girls (especially Emilee). I may need the help of a professional!!
All in all we survived and they enjoyed being all made up for about an hour. The dress rehearsal is Thursday and the recital is Sunday after church. They are so excited!!!!

These photos were taken with the new camera which is now out and working. I figured out how to charge the battery and now I just need to work on lighting and all the technical stuff. I am planning on watching the instructional DVD soon.

Love the poka dots
PS they have a face paintings on their check it is not a make up mistake.


Susie said...

Isn't it amazing what a DSLR can do for your pictures?! Can't wait to hear how the recital went!!

Peris said...

Love it! So wonderful....I rememeber when my mom did my make-up and stuff for when I was in Drama Club and jazz dance fun!

Kids,Cookies and more of the same said...

They look adorable Becky! Great job on the make-up!!