Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday Five
- This crazy week has come to an end and I am looking forward to a restful weekend.
- My flu like symptoms are still hanging on. Maybe when I am healthy again I should get the flu shot.......anyone out there had one?? Will it help me or just get me sick?
- Our house officially looks like Christmas inside and out.
- I have not exercised in a week and I am missing it. My body just needs rest now.
- Did I mention that I lost five pounds over Thanksgiving? I suggest that if you want to lose weight over the holidays have a root canal.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
5 reasons why I have't blogged lately
- Way too tired to even sign in to my own blog.
- Too busy breaking up all the cat fights that my girls have been in lately. yes, there has been hair pulling and scratching!!!!
- Not too much to say. I am even too tired to talk these days.
- I have been Christmas shopping and card addressing.
- I think that I have been at the denist more than I have been at home. Finally, tooth pain is gone.
I will try my best to post more often and post some new pictures too!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
the latest and greatest at our house
This was my calendar last week and this week is already looking to be a bit slower. Although I do have to work Tuesday and make a thanksgiving dinner for 5 maybe 6. Did I mention that I will probably need to have a root canal this week some time too. Back to the dentist this morning. Maybe this week won't be so slow after all.

I finally got around to creating some creative memories. I will be changing it again soon for December which is just around the corner.

The tree out front is supplying us with plenty of red leaves to rake and jump in. While raking the other day I got the old familiar smell of childhood days in Pa. Sweet memories!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Words on Wednesday
OK, so I missed Ten on Tuesday and it is still awhile until Friday so here are some thoughts from me today.
- Has it been 6 months since my last dental check up? Yes, so back to the nice Dr. B I went and he is going to rescue another one of my food traps. Good news, I have been flossing more and my gums are looking good!! Hope that was not too much info.
- I feel like I have been so out of touch with friends and I am really struggling with that right now. I guess that I am still trying to figure out how to juggle everything since I am working now. My days off still are so full of things to get done that the time just seems to go so fast. So to all of my friends out there who I have not been in touch with lately I love you and am thinking about you.
- I started Christmas shopping today and I pray that I can stay on budget and keep the true meaning of Christmas as the focus!
- It is time for new jeans and I am dreading all the trying on that it takes to find a good pair.
- Loving the change in weather here and I hope it stays around awhile. It feels like fall, how about that?!?!
- I am glad that the election is now over and all the signs can come down. I got to take the YES for Prop 8 sticker off my car and the sign out of our yard .... and I think it passed? I think that they still may be counting those votes...anyone know ?
Happy Wednesday to you all!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday Five
For me the Friday five is much easier than the 10 on Tuesday so here we go...
- I am enjoying my second cup of coffee as I write this, the house is quiet except for the sound of the washing machine and my fingers on the keyboard.
- My struggles with Emilee in the morning has reached an all time high and I am going crazy. It is so hard to deal with so early in the morning. She is for sure a strong willed spirited child and I only pray for some relief when the teenage years come.
- Ashley on the other hand is so accommodating and easy going. Don't get me wrong she has her moments of stubbornness but she is so much easier to handle.
- One thing sad about me working is that I miss out on some of the things at school. Yesterday was the Jog-a-thon and I was not able to be there to run and watch my girls run/walk the track. A friend took photos for me and I am so thankful for that. Today is family lunch so I will be there for that one.
- This weekend I am going to see HSM3. A few moms from school are going to see the third High School Musical movie, we are so excited! If it passes the "clean test" I will take the girls back to see it. Yes, I am a HSM fan can you tell?!?!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Bate's Nut Farm
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Too Tired
I am still here and promise to post the fun we had with mom soon, but this now working mommy and wife is so tired. Who would have thought that just working 2 days would be so exhausting??
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday Five
- Wow is it HOT!!!!!!!!!
- My mom arrives in 5 days, the girls and I are so excited to see her.
- It is 3:00 and the house is still quiet, the girls should be home any minute to add some noise to the house.
- Can anyone tell me what the HOV stands for in HOV lanes on the freeway...it has been bugging me and I am too lazy to Google it.
- I am ready to sleep in this weekend hopefully the girls are as well.
Happy weekend to you all, stay cool if you live in San Diego and stay dry if you are in PA!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Good -Bye Summer, Hello Autumn
Friday, September 19, 2008
My new look
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Football Season is back
In honor of my favorite sport and team I changed my layout to show my support. Can you guess who my team is?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ten on Tuesday
- Well after my third day working with the preschoolers I now have a new found appreciation for all the hard work that goes into running an amazing program.
- Not to mention that I am exhausted after the day is through and then I come home to my beautiful and demanding girls.
- Thank God that I have tomorrow off to rest.
- My mom is visiting in 2 weeks and Tomorrow is her birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM, we love you and are looking forward to seeing you.
- Last time my mom came in October we had a fire and had to evacuate so hopefully that will not happen this time.
- Thank you Chris for putting the girls to bed tonight, did I mention that I am exhausted?
- I had my dollar scoop tonight because I ate very well today and I deserved a treat.
- Chocolate chip mint in a cup, if you are wondering.
- I am getting a hair cut on Friday...it has been at least 5 months since my last cut and style and my hair is heavy.
- I am tempted to chop the hair but for those of you who know me know that I won't
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Fun and Games
What do we do for fun around here?
Emilee likes to relax in front of the computer and play games.

I also enjoy a little game I call pot stacking.

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