Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Five

For me the Friday five is much easier than the 10 on Tuesday so here we go...

  1. I am enjoying my second cup of coffee as I write this, the house is quiet except for the sound of the washing machine and my fingers on the keyboard.
  2. My struggles with Emilee in the morning has reached an all time high and I am going crazy. It is so hard to deal with so early in the morning. She is for sure a strong willed spirited child and I only pray for some relief when the teenage years come.
  3. Ashley on the other hand is so accommodating and easy going. Don't get me wrong she has her moments of stubbornness but she is so much easier to handle.
  4. One thing sad about me working is that I miss out on some of the things at school. Yesterday was the Jog-a-thon and I was not able to be there to run and watch my girls run/walk the track. A friend took photos for me and I am so thankful for that. Today is family lunch so I will be there for that one.
  5. This weekend I am going to see HSM3. A few moms from school are going to see the third High School Musical movie, we are so excited! If it passes the "clean test" I will take the girls back to see it. Yes, I am a HSM fan can you tell?!?!


Deanne said...

I agree, Friday Five is much easier to do than 10 on Tues or Thurs 13! :)

You've inspired me, I have my own Friday 5 up. Can you tell I'm just lacking in ideas for posts! :)

Susie said...

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time with E in the mornings. No fun to start the day that way.

And HSM3- I was like- what is that?? I'm so out of it!

Sarah said...

So, what's you review on HSM3?
Miss you! ;)

Reina said...

Yup, Five on Friday IS easier...that's why I haven't even attempted Ten on Tuesday yet! ;)

Hey, I'm a closet HSM fan! My sisters tease me. They actually wanted to throw me a surprise HSM birthday party for my 30th...thankfully they spared me!