Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Five

  1. Wow is it HOT!!!!!!!!!
  2. My mom arrives in 5 days, the girls and I are so excited to see her.
  3. It is 3:00 and the house is still quiet, the girls should be home any minute to add some noise to the house.
  4. Can anyone tell me what the HOV stands for in HOV lanes on the has been bugging me and I am too lazy to Google it.
  5. I am ready to sleep in this weekend hopefully the girls are as well.

Happy weekend to you all, stay cool if you live in San Diego and stay dry if you are in PA!


Deanne said...

High Occupancy Vehicle


Enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

I think it is High Occupancy Vehicle. At least that is what I've always called them.

And yeah...I'm so over the heat.

Sarah said...

I hope you had a great weekend. Did you get some sleep?
Miss you!