Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Well after my third day working with the preschoolers I now have a new found appreciation for all the hard work that goes into running an amazing program.
  2. Not to mention that I am exhausted after the day is through and then I come home to my beautiful and demanding girls.
  3. Thank God that I have tomorrow off to rest.
  4. My mom is visiting in 2 weeks and Tomorrow is her birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM, we love you and are looking forward to seeing you.
  5. Last time my mom came in October we had a fire and had to evacuate so hopefully that will not happen this time.
  6. Thank you Chris for putting the girls to bed tonight, did I mention that I am exhausted?
  7. I had my dollar scoop tonight because I ate very well today and I deserved a treat.
  8. Chocolate chip mint in a cup, if you are wondering.
  9. I am getting a hair cut on Friday...it has been at least 5 months since my last cut and style and my hair is heavy.
  10. I am tempted to chop the hair but for those of you who know me know that I won't


Reina said...

Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

I am also hoping that we will not have fires; I can't believe it's already been a year since our evacuations.

See you at bunco!

Kids,Cookies and more of the same said...

I love your thick hair!! Happy Birthday to your Mom!