This was my calendar last week and this week is already looking to be a bit slower. Although I do have to work Tuesday and make a thanksgiving dinner for 5 maybe 6. Did I mention that I will probably need to have a root canal this week some time too. Back to the dentist this morning. Maybe this week won't be so slow after all.

I finally got around to creating some creative memories. I will be changing it again soon for December which is just around the corner.

The tree out front is supplying us with plenty of red leaves to rake and jump in. While raking the other day I got the old familiar smell of childhood days in Pa. Sweet memories!!
Josh is looking at this and getting motivated! Thanks!
Good job Ashley!
I think I like you even more after seeing your Boynton calendar. We are huuuuuge Sandra Boynton fans!!
There's my name on your schedule!!! Good job, Ashley, for learning to tie your shoes!!!
Sarah is going to be so envious- she really wants to learn to tie her shoes- Ashley made it look so easy!
P.S> Good luck with that root canal! Jeepers!
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