2. While waiting for the plumber to fix clogged pipes in laundry room the girls made some not so yummy treats. They had fun anyway.
3. Emilee lost her second tooth and now has a bit of trouble saying her s's. She may go to 2ND grade without any of her front teeth.
4. Selling items on craigslist is nice but waiting for the "customers" is not.
5. It feels good to be back home from visiting family but I do miss everyone and all the fun we had.
6. Isn't the summer just flying by? I have only been to the beach twice, I got to get there again.
7. I am still as pale as I was in December. I guess the sun is not good for me anyways.
8. I miss knowing that Susie is only minutes away.
9. This year I have to purchase 2 sets of school supplies, my wallet is frowning about that news.
10. Ashley had all of the kindergarten shots yesterday and praise God so far no side effects and she was so Brave. Not one tear was shed.. I am so proud of her.