yes, I recycle you all know that...this is one days worth. There was a few more on the counter as well. Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing?

The girls are sporting there new summer clothes that Mommy got at Kohl's...buy 1 get 1 free...another good thing! of course I got myself something too. (they look cold)

Ashley smiling again after the worst virus that has hit our home so far.
Being squashed between the girls, not always a good thing but today it was.
I am so glad that Ashley is doing better. Praise the Lord.
Yaeh, to recyling! You sure do have some yummy goodies in your house!!! HiHi!
We're so lazy- I wish we recycled better. Maybe this will rub off on me some...
wow I can't believe your girls are growing like weeds! Well beautiful budding roses actually. Hey you best be putting me on your friends list I am still your blogging bud right? Don't forget I know where to find you!:)>
miss u girl
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