Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Today feels like a Monday to me.
  2. I am ready for some warmer weather, not shorts weather though, i am not quite ready for that.
  3. I think that it might be almost time for a highlight, I am sporting some new gray hairs on the top of my head. As Chris says " who looks all the way up there"? true but I still know that they are there.
  4. Within the next two weeks Chris and I will be another year closer to the big 40. (Reason for the new gray hair?)
  5. Still looking for a flight to PA this summer and prices went up again---HELP!!
  6. Tomorrow my sister in law finds out if the new baby she is growing is a boy or girl....my guess--girl.
  7. The new baby is due in June that is why I need a flight to PA......to meet my new niece or nephew.
  8. I still can not believe that our girls are 5 and 7. Where did the time go?
  9. I am still bummed about the Dallas Cowboys losing that playoff game. There is always next year. We even had our new Romo jerseys!!! which are now packed away until next season.
  10. Off to watch American Idol, the auditions are in San diego tonight. Will there be some talent to come out of our fine city or just some good laughs at those who think they have the talent?


Sarah said...

Becky, you make me laugh! That one gray hair you have dosn't count! I think blond, braun, red or gray, YOU are beautiful no matter what. :o)

Susie said...

The auditions for Survivor are on Saturday- are you feeling adventurous??