Saturday, December 22, 2007

Look Who Turned 7!!!!

Happy Birthday Emilee
It is hard to believe that our little girl is 7. Someone told me once that as soon as your children start elementary school, the time flies. I have to agree with that. Where has the time gone?
Emilee's morning began with breakfast in bed and the opening of her gifts which began at 6:30 !!! Her day continued with a Birthday celebration at school and a evening with family and more gifts from Grandma. Emilee's Birthday dinner request was Pat and Oscars for their famous bread sticks. Her favorite birthday gift was a Disney Princess Diary set. The most fun gifts was her High School Musical PJ'S and Webkinz.

We love you Emilee and pray you have a blessed 7th year.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Emilee! Super cute pictures. Lilly's response was:"I want to be big like Emilee!" Have a great day guys.