Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After Christmas

As I sit here at 10:15pm waiting to pick up my mom and step dad at the airport in about an hour I thought why not blog.
Christmas came and was enjoyable. Ashley's face when she saw all the presents under the tree was priceless...I think that she forgot it was Christmas morning. The girls happily torn through their gifts and enjoyed all that was under the tree. Chris and I got each other Romo Jerseys( Dallas Cowboy Q-back) and a photo will follow ....Mommy with pjs and no makeup a blog first for me.
Grandma came later in the am and brought bags of gifts!!! More unwrapping and now there is fun new stuff to play with.

The day after (today) Daddy was back to work and the girls and I stayed in our PJ's until 3!!! I got so much done. All the unwrapped gift boxes are in the trash/recycling and the gifts are slowing finding a place in the house. I got some of the garage cleaned up and now we can get out of the car with ease. I was tried of having to step around paint cans and mops and brooms. I even got some exercise in as well. Dinner out and a quick trip through the lights in PQ at Christmas Card lane and we were home in time for some Bible trivia DVD game and bedtime.
So here I sit waiting to drive to the airport when i am usually in PJ's and dreamland. I am looking forward to time with mom and mike and I know the girls are SO excited to see them in the morning. Guess what we get to do tomorrow more gifts!!! have a great week i will post pictures next time.

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