Monday, October 29, 2007

What is that smell??

Those were Ashley's words as we were getting ready for school this morning.
We went to bed last night knowing that we were having some clogged, backed up toilet issues. Do you know where this is going??
We had sewage coming out of our downstairs toilet and shower stall and it was going all over the bathroom floor and out onto the carpet.
We got it to stop with lots of towels that are now in the trash.
A few hours later we learned that our sewer had backed up and was coming into the house. A camera that was used showed that a tree root is to blame. We have a DVD on the exploration of the sewer line thingy if anyone is interested.
It was so gross!!! The restoration people came and cleaned up and cut out carpet and drywall. We will be replacing the carpet. Praise God for our home insurance!!! They have been great so far. Right now we have an "Air Scrubber" and 4 dehumidifiers blowing. It is so loud but necessary.
Keep you posted on the progress.

1 comment:

Peris said...

You poor thing its just one thing after another isnt it. Stove, fire, sewer issues. Girlfriend I am praying for you!