Friday, October 19, 2007

Fall Leaves

Our new house has a great big tree out front with a whole bunch of beautiful falling leaves. Emilee and Ashley worked very hard to make this pile to jump in.


Susie said...

It's not really fall with leaves without long sleeves and jeans! Your girls look so sweet, B!

This is kind of funny because it reminds me of the fall I lived in Montana and we had leaves ALL over the front year. We went to HD and bought a HUGe rake and I spent about 45 minutes making a pile to jump in. I know you're thinking, get a life, right? I jumped and fell right to the bottom and actually hurt msyelf. I was also ten weeks pregnant- not a good combo. Anyways...

Peris said...

love the new layout. wish we had leaves....just fake grass and water wise plants...