My mom and brother
Nana and Pappy Mike with all the grand kids
The newest member of the family, my nephew, Kyan.

My brother Michael and sister in law Hayley with Reis (4) and Kyan (13 months)

When we arrived at my mom's house there were baby robins right outside her back porch door. They were still being fed by their mommy and flew away a few days later. We were all sad when they left the nest.

WE climbed to the top of the Cape May Light house, 200 steps. My legs were hurting for 3 days after.

My mom took Ashley on the go karts because I was a chicken. Ashley loved it and Nana did too.

The newest member of the family, my nephew, Kyan.

My brother Michael and sister in law Hayley with Reis (4) and Kyan (13 months)

Cape May Zoo, NJ
Nature shots

I know it looks like the bear is going to the bathroom but I promise that it was not!

When we arrived at my mom's house there were baby robins right outside her back porch door. They were still being fed by their mommy and flew away a few days later. We were all sad when they left the nest.

WE climbed to the top of the Cape May Light house, 200 steps. My legs were hurting for 3 days after.

My mom took Ashley on the go karts because I was a chicken. Ashley loved it and Nana did too.